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Beyond the Gate Part I Transcript[]


Grim: So where do those stodgy, old mages on the council have us going now?

Mage: Of all the – The Mages Council orders me to join Archmage Emila near... Weatherly.

G: Weatherly, eh? Isn't that your hometown?

M: …


M: ...Why would the Mages Council send me to Weatherly?

G: How should I know?

M: You're supposed to know everything.

G: I'm supposed to know important things.


G: Did the orders say why we're meeting Archmage Emila?

M: No... just to report to her for training near Weatherly.

G: Sounds dull. At least we have this Kulking to entertain us!


Into the Trees[]

G: Aren't you excited to visit home? What do people do in Weatherly?

M: Most of them farm Fang Shrimp.

G: I can understand why you left.


G: Whoa! Speaking of Fang Shrimp!

M: Ahh! I hate these things!


G: I thought Fang Shrimp were ...smaller.

M: They get enormous in the wild. Ehh, I can't believe I had to come back to this place.

G: Ah, come on. "Home sweet home," right?

M: Not for me.


Fang Shrimp Fun[]

M: What's this... ah.

G: What did you find?

M: A Warden Statue. People in Weatherly have been carving them for hundreds of years to protect against evil.

G: Stop being so glum. This assignment will be a breeze.

M: Don't jinx it, Grim...

G: You're a Mage. You can't counter a simple jinx?


G: Yes, indeed. Nothing could possibly go wrong in a pretty forest like this.

M: Shut up, Grim.


Savage Grove[]

M: So who is this Archmage Emila we're meeting?

G: She's... well. She's been on the Mages Council for ages. Some admire her longevity, others curse it.


M: What is Archmage Emila like?

G: I believe her nickname is "Old Baduhenna". As in the avenging angel.

M: Great.


G: Is that a -?

M: It's a Priomor. They live all other the forests around Weatherly and are a nuisance. They eat Fang Shrimp.


Priomor's Den[]

G: Huh. You grew up around here? I'm starting to understand your bleak sense of humor.

M: I was considered the village clown.

G: … I hate to break it to you, but that was probably more about your nose than your wit.


Emila: You're late, Mage. Did the Priomors bother you?

M: I apologize for my -

E: Like that's of use to anyone. Let's see what you're made of.

G: She means a duel, Mage. Prepare yourself!


E: You could be worse, I suppose. Let's get going.

M: Why are we traveling to Weatherly, Archmage?

E: You are going to learn about Pocket Dimension Magic.

G: Oh! My favorite!


Grim Thicket[]

M: Umm... Pocket Dimension Magic?

E: <sigh> When the Third Dawn began, the world had a lot of excess magic.

G: So the gods tucked the extra magic into extra-dimensional pockets: Pocket Dimension Magic.

E: At least someone bothered to educate the book.


M: So why are we checking on this... Pocket Magic?

E: We aren't. We're checking on the Gate that seals the Pocket Dimensions.

M: Why?

E: Impatient aren't you? Be a good little Mage and take care of those Priomors for me and then I'll explain.


Treacherous Paths[]

E: Your fighting isn't terrible. We check on the Gate because Pocket Dimensions are useful prisons.

M: Something is imprisoned in the Weatherly Pocket Dimension?

E: Several things, actually. Not least of which is a Manakros.


M: So, what exactly is a Manakros?

E: Book! Educate the child.

G: It's from a family of magical parasites. It latches onto a host and controls it utterly. A Manakros is powerful enough to control a demi-god or a demon.


E: Huh. Amazing that creatures that disgusting can make such excellent dinners.

M: …

E: I love a nice Fang Shrimp Curry over crispy seaweed noodles. Don't you?


Primeval Trail[]

G: Wait... the Weatherly Gate... isn't that where the Abatene are imprisoned too?

E: Why, yes. It is.

G: Wow...


M: Okay, one of you tell me what an Abatene is.

E: "The" Abatene were an order of evil mages.

M: Is there a chance they could escape?

E: If there were, three or four archmages would be checking the Gate, not me an a pup like you.


M: So what are we-

E: Hush! Listen!

Cultist: Sir Halleal says the ceremony-

M: Cultists!


Old Enemies[]

M: The Cult of the Fourth Dawn! What are they doing here?

E: We might know more if you hadn't attacked attacked him right away.

M: … You don't... these cultists are... there will be more of them. There's always more of them.


C: Hurry – we must get to the Gate, Sir Halleal awaits.

C: Whenever the Fourth Dawn comes, we will be there for it.

E: Bleh. Fanatics. Get 'em, mage.


E: Blasted Cultist! Weren't you supposed to have destroyed them?

M: I've defeated many of them.

E: Well, do a better job, child! Send this lot to the Abyss!


Dim Roads[]

E: So you think these cultists might be able to meddle with the Gate?

M: Yeah... They have a habit of destroying things. Sometimes by accident.


M: What is that thing?

G: Oh, no...

E: A Marigatt! Attack it, Mage!


E: Mage, the Gate is compromised.

M: You're sure?

G: A Marigatt is a weak form of magical parasite, but it could only have come from the Pocket Dimension.

E: If we can't reseal the Gate properly, the Manakros could escape.


Unlit Path[]

E: More Marigatts! Don't let them get near you, mage.

M: They haven't been difficult to defeat...

E: I didn't say they were. But you're no use to me if one possesses you.


M: Do the Marigatts mean the Gate is open?

E: No. If the Gate were completely open, we would be drowning in Ethereal magic. Right now, the magic will only be dripping out.


M: If the Gate did open, what would happen to Weatherly?

E: Child, let's nopt think about that until we have to. One Marigatt at a time.


Tenebrous Route[]

C: Sir Halleal has opened the Gate!

C: Excellent! Let's hurry to be part of those who ascend!

E: More cultists! Yeck! I'll take the ones on the left. You take the right.


M: The Cultists said the Gate was open...

E: Those cultists were fools.

G: If it was open, we would see giant holes torn in the fabric of reality.

M: "Giant holes in the fabric of reality"... great.


Ethereal Evils[]

E: So who is this "Sir Halleal" the cultists mentioned?

M: I don't know.

E: You're supposed to be the expert on these cultists, aren't you?


E: Blast it! A Mantle!

M: A what?

G: It's someone possessed by a Marigatt! Watch out!


M: That must have been a villager from Weatherly...

E: It wasn't anymore. Once you become a Mantle, you're as good as dead.


Dismal Hills[]

E: I believe Archmage Ridley found you at Weatherly, right?

M: ...Yes.

E: I seem to recall an "incident."

M: …


C: Get out of my way, Mages! You will not deprive me of eternity.

E: What drivel is this?

C: I shall join with the Ethereal beings! They will make me immortal!

E: Angels preserve us. The idiot wants to be possessed by a Marigatt!


Haunted Grove[]

M: You think the Cultists are trying to become hosts for Marigatts?

E: It sounds like. It will extend their lives, but they won't have any control over it. Idiot children!


M: Oh Stormsblood... a Marigatt just attached to that cultist.

C: Ahh... yes! I will be immortal! Blessed Marigatts! Praise Sir Halleal!

M: That's revolting...

E: Destroy him before the Mantle has time to adjust... Oh no! Too late!


G: Well done, Mage!

E: Passable performance...


Old "Friends"[]

M: It's easier to take the cultists out before they become Mantles.

E: Agreed. We'll destroy as many as we can on the way to the Gate!


M: You? Don't I know you two?

Cultist Eustace: Us?! We know no Mages!

Cultist Alexi: Wait, I remember this one, Eustace! Didn't we-

CE: Shut up, Alexi! Prepare to meet your doom, Mage!


CA: We surrender!

CE: We do!

M: Uhh... Okay.


Tangled Trees[]

Alexi: Oh, thank you for sparing us, kind Mage!

Eustace: Shut up! We don't know why the Mage spared us!

E: Yes, Mage, why did you spare these two?


E: You haven't explained your mercy to those cultists.

M: They might have useful information. Cultists, I will give you to Archmage Emilia if you don't answer my questions.

CE: I'll never betray the Fourth Dawn.

CA: What are you talking about? After what Sir Halleal did – umph!

CE: Shut up!


Soaring Dream[]

E: Huh. What did this Halleal do to the Cult of the Fancy Robes?

CE: The Cult of the Fourth Dawn.

E: Whatever.

CA: He betrayed us! That's what!


M: What exactly did this Sir Halleal do?

CA: He said that the creatures trapped by the Gate would make us immortal.

E: The Marigatts! Haha! It's true, sort of. But you lose your soul, of course.


Creeping Roots[]

G: Watch out! More Marigatts!

CE: The book talks! What witchery is this?!


CA: So, does the book hear what we say, too?

G: Yup. And the more I listen to you, the easier it will be to suck your soul into my pages! Bwahaha!


Cursed Foes[]

CE: Okay, Alexi – first chance we get, we run away.

CA: Awww... but I'm starting to like them.

CE: You're what?! You fool! They'll happily fed us to the –

M: Fang Shrimp? Or maybe we'll save you for the Manakros, if it escapes the Gate.


CA: A foe! What are you waiting for Mage? Attack!

M: She's blind. I can't fight a-

E: Blast it, Mage! That's an Abatene! Fight!


M: The Abatene have escaped the Gate too?

E: It seems so. Your little Cultist pets have run off.

M: What? They're gone?

G: What did you expect? Those two haven't survived this long by sticking around for heroics.


Dark Trees[]

E: We need to find this Halleal character.

M: Agreed. And reseal the gate.

E: I'll deal with the Gate. You deal with Halleal.

G: Yes, ma'am...


E: You neraly let that Marigatt beat you. Do you want to be a Mantle?

M: No, Archmage.

G: Ah, the advantages of being a book: no brains to be eaten.

M: You can say that again.


Ethereal Bleed[]

M: Wait. What happened to the forest?

E: It's the first signs of the Gate opening.

G: The Dimensional Pocket is leaking Ethereal Magic into our world from beyond the Gate...


M: Will the forest stay like this, after you reseal the Gate?

E: Hopefully not. Don't let the pretty Ethereal power trick you – it would be dangerous to leave parts of the world like this.


Infernal Thicket[]

M: It shifted...

E: The Gate isn't fully opened yet. The Ethereal magic is seeping out instead of rushing. It'll still cause trouble.

M: What do you mean?

E: Ethereal magic accelerates growth and it tries to revert things to their natural form.


E: This Sir Halleal... you need a lot of power to open up a gate.

M: I've handled powerful mages before.

E: Of course you have sweetie. What could possibly go wrong?


Unworldly Forest[]

E: If only we had time to cook these Fang Shrimp properly. It's such a waste.


M: Grim, you've gotten quiet. Are you... well?

G: It's nothing. I'm fine.


Demonic Trials[]

M: Grim, are you sure you're alright? You look... pale? Is that even possible?

G: No. It isn't. And i'm fine.


E: If I can seal the Gate soon, the damage will be minimal.

M: Right. Seal the Gate, thwart the Cult, make sure the Nankros doesn't possess anyone and hunt down every Fang Shrimp. Sounds like a plan.


C: Do you prefer to be blasted with magic or stabbed in your last moments?

M: I'm not planning on letting you do either.


M: A demon? Sir Halleal is a demon?

Sir Halleal: Of course! And a rather handsome one at that.

M: I knew the Cultists were foolish, but trusting a demon?

E: Stop muttering and attack, Mage!


SH: Hold a moment, Mage! We might be on the same side.

M: Aren't you the one who opened the Gate?

SH: Yes. But that was a misjudgment on my part. I should like to seal it again.

M: We aren't going to take help from -

E: Quiet, Mage. Magical emergencies make for strange companions.  
